Come and join our Children's Groups (ages 0-11's) @ St Paul's on a Sunday Morning
"Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them, because God’s kingdom belongs to people who are like these little children"
Mark 10:14
Junior Church meets during the 10.15 am morning service on 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month.
After spending the first 15 minutes worshipping as a church family, the children leave the main church for their own programme. All children meet together in the VCR for worship together before splitting into groups for age appropriate activities and Bible teaching.
On the 2nd Sunday in each month there is a Family All Age Service, where the children take an active part.

Ages: 0-4 years
For our youngest Bubbles children, who are not yet at school, after worship in the VCR, they have group time in the Chapel. Here there are lots of toys for free play, craft activities, story and prayer time.
We require parents/carers to stay with their child/ren for the duration of the group at this time.

School Years: Reception-2
After worship, Splash and X-Stream enjoy together games and introduction to the teaching, before splitting for group time.
In group time, there is age appropriate Bible teaching, as well as time to chat and share, craft and prayer activities.
Once a month, Splash and X-Stream remain together for the duration of the session.

School Years: 3 to 5
After worship, X-Stream and Splash enjoy games and introduction to the teaching together, before splitting for group time.
In group time, X-Stream look at the teaching at a deeper level, often enjoying discussion questions as well. They also have prayer time reflecting with God and may also have craft activities too.
Once a month, Splash and X-Stream remain together for the duration of the session.
All the Junior Church children come back into the church at 11.45 am, even if the service has not quite finished. On 3rd Sunday of the month, children come back into the church service earlier in time to celebrate Family Communion together.
For babes in arms who may be restless or need a feed, please feel free to take them into in the Coffee Lounge at the back of the Church. If you need more space, you can come and join us in Junior Church.
If you want to know any more information about our youth and children's work at St Paul's please contact Helen on youthandchildrensministry@stpaulscrofton.org.uk