Ladies Prayer Fellowship Retreat

“Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

Each year the Ladies Prayer Fellowship have a weekend away
together for a time of rest, refreshment, and encouragement.

Open to all ladies of St Paul’s.  Please speak to Lyn Rowles MBE for further details
at church or via this email link.

Ladies Breakfast

Sister Act Breakfasts are held a couple of time a year when the men in the church cook a breakfast,
afterwards the ladies listen to a guest speaker.

Dates to be confirmed

Speakers to be confirmed

For further information about Sister Act events please contact Di Stewart.


All ladies are invited to meet together on the 4th Monday of each month @ 8.00pm - 9.00pm in The Chapel (accessed through the rear door via the church car park) for a time of prayer and thanksgiving.

If you have any questions about Ladies Prayer Fellowship, please contact Lyn Rowles MBE at church or via this email link.

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