Elderberry Cafe

Elderberry Cafe

Elderberry Cafe

Our Warm Space @ The Elderberry Cafe is now open every Wednesday from 9.30 am to 12 noon. We will be open as a Warm Space throughout the winter months.

Hot drinks, homemade cakes, soup, sausage rolls, and more are served.
As well as The Cafe we have a quiet room in the hall where people can work from.
Free Wi-Fi and power sockets, tables and chairs are available.
A warm place for all the community, where friendship, food and faith meet.
Come and join us for as long or as short a time as you wish, meeting with friends or making new ones. The Elderberry Cafe is held in the church hall and you can enter via the church car park. A short half-hour informal communion service is held in church at 12.15pm each Wednesday for those who would like to attend.
Everyone, from all faiths or none, are welcome.

If you want to get involved in the Elderberry Café, please speak to one of the café team or elderberrycafe@stpaulscrofton.org.uk.
If you would like any further information about any of the church activities please call the church office 01689 850697