

8 am BCP (Book of Common Prayer) Holy Communion will be in the Chapel.

Please enter through the VCR (Church Room) door from the car park and walk to the Chapel.

10.15 am Service will be in Church

Please enter through the main doors of the Church.

If you would like further information about any of the services or other events happening here at St Paul's, please contact the Church Office for more details: or on 01689 850697


6.30 pm Evening service will be in Church.

Join us for an informal service of worship, prayer, testimonies, short talk and using the gifts of the Spirit.

If you would like further information about any of the services or other events happening here at St Paul's, please contact the Church Office for more details: or on 01689 850697


12.15pm on Wednesdays we are open for Holy Communion

This service is happening in the VCR (Church Room).


For our service at 10.15am: 1st and 3rd Sundays will be Holy Communion, 2nd Sunday will be All Age, 4th and 5th Sundays will be Morning Worship.

Children and youth will start in the service before leaving at the appropriate time for their own groups, apart from 2nd Sunday when everyone will remain together.  On 3rd Sundays, youth will remain in the service and children will return in time for Family Communion.

For Holy Communion, receiving Communion is up to the individual and wafers will continue to be intincted at this time.