
Your giving enables everything we do at St Paul’s including Sunday services, work with toddlers, children and youth, homegroups, Alpha, women, men and seniors ministries.
All that happens at St Paul’s is made possible by those who pray, serve and give to the work of the church.
We could not do it without you! Thank you so much,
Revd Canon Bimbi Abayomi-Cole

While the information below relates to financial giving, please visit other pages on our website to explore how you can get involved and contribute to St Paul's many ministries.

Ways to Give


Monthly giving is vital to our mission as it enables us to plan impactful, long-term projects to reach more people with the love of Jesus.
You can download a Standing Order Form here or you can set up or amend a standing order by yourself, log in to your online banking or visit your local bank branch with St Paul’s bank account details:
The Friends of St Paul’s Church, Crofton
Account Number:

Sort Code: 60-16-03
Quote reference as: your first name and surname

Once you have set up or amended your standing order, please email us so we can identify your gift and thank you.


You can give by cash, cheque or set up a new standing order at any Sunday service by using a giving envelope and adding it to the offering.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider filling in the Gift Aid declaration on the envelope to make your gift go even further.


Many employers offer Payroll Giving which allows you to give directly to St Paul’s from your salary before tax is deducted. This means if you give £100 per month and are a basic rate taxpayer, the gift will only cost you £80 from your net pay. If you pay a higher rate of tax, £100 a month will only cost you £60 from your net pay. To find out if your employer offers Payroll Giving, contact your HR office.


If you are considering making a bequest to St Paul’s or have already included a gift to St Paul’s in your will and would like to speak to someone about legacy giving, please contact


You can give a one-time gift. To give via cheque, please make the cheque out to ‘St Pauls Crofton PCC’ and either give it via an envelope at a Sunday service or post it to our address below. To give online, log in to your online banking with St Paul’s bank account details:
The Friends of St Paul’s Church, Crofton
Account Number: 14057433
Sort Code: 60-16-03
Quote reference as: your first name and surname
If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider filling in the Gift Aid declaration to make your gift go even further. To permit us to do this, please complete the online Gift Aid declaration form here or download the printable Gift Aid declaration form here.



To give via cheque, please make the cheque out to ‘St Paul’s Crofton PCC’ and either give it via an envelope at a Sunday service or post it to our address below.


If you pay Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax in the UK, we can claim back 25p on every £1 you donate through the Gift Aid scheme. To permit us to do this, please complete the online Gift Aid declaration form here or download the printable Gift Aid declaration form here.
If you pay tax above the basic rate, you can personally claim the difference between the rate you pay and the basic rate on your donation (25%). You can do this either through your self-assessment tax return or by asking HMRC to amend your tax code.

Note: Please do not fill in a Gift Aid declaration if you give via a pre-tax Payroll Giving scheme as you are giving 'pre-tax', and thus we cannot claim tax back on the gift.

Contact Us

For help managing your giving please contact our treasurer;
Post: The Treasurer, Parish Church of St Paul's, Crofton Road, Orpington, Kent BR6 8JE