Ladies Prayer Fellowship Retreat

“Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

Each year the Ladies Prayer Fellowship have a weekend away
together for a time of rest, refreshment, and encouragement.

Open to all ladies of St Paul’s.  Please speak to Lyn Rowles MBE for further details
at church or via this email link. lpf@stpaulscrofton.org.uk

Ladies Breakfast

Sister Act Breakfasts are held a couple of time a year when the men in the church cook a breakfast,
afterwards the ladies listen to a guest speaker.

Dates to be confirmed

Speakers to be confirmed

For further information about Sister Act events please contact Di Stewart. sisteract@stpaulscrofton.org.uk


All ladies are invited to meet together on the 4th Monday of each month @ 8.00pm - 9.00pm in The Chapel (accessed through the rear door via the church car park) for a time of prayer and thanksgiving.

If you have any questions about Ladies Prayer Fellowship, please contact Lyn Rowles MBE at church or via this email link. lpf@stpaulscrofton.org.uk